Once you have created a template you will want to test it out to confirm it works as expected. 

First, ensure your Template is in Draft mode to make testing easier. Learn more about Draft vs Published Templates

Once the Template is in Draft mode you can get started:

1. Navigate to the "New Matter" page and select the Template you would like to test.

2. Create the Matter 

We suggesting adding "Test" to the end of the Matter name and associating a test client if you have created one.

If you want to experience the questionnaire from the client's perspective, use the Paper Airplane icon from the New Matter page to send it to your self. Note: You must use a different email address than the one used to log in to your Rally account.

We recommend opening a browser tab in Private/Incognito in order to test the client experience. This way, you can remain logged in as a Firm user in your regular browser tab. 

3. Complete the Questionnaire

If the questionnaire contains multiple sections, ensure that all required fields are complete before advancing. If you missed any questions, you will see a red "X" on the left bar next to the section name. Select the name of the section and fill in the missed required fields. 

While navigating through the questionnaire:

  • Take note of any fields that should or should not be required. 
  • If you are using Visibility Conditions, ensure that the proper fields are appearing when the appropriate responses are entered.
  • If the questionnaire feels too long, consider breaking it up into different sections.
  • Consider if your clients may need additional context or clarification to answer your questions appropriately. The questionnaire Helper text is a great way to achieve this.

4. Review the Encoded Document

Once the questionnaire is complete you will have access to the generated documents. Review the documents to ensure the questionnaire responses are properly reflected. 

If the documents are generated with comments in the right column, there is likely an error in the encoding. The comment will explain where the error is but it can sometimes be challenging to resolve. If you aren't sure how to resolve the error, send us a message using the Chat icon in the bottom right of your screen or send us an email. Let us know which template you are working on and we'll do everything we can to help. 

5. Update and Test Again

After resolving any issues or adding more questions, you will want to test the template again. Navigate to the "Team Matters" page and select your test Matter. Select "Edit Questionnaire" from the Actions dropdown on the right and resubmit. The document will be regenerated with the updated version. Note: The Template must be in Draft mode for this to work as expected.

You can repeat this process as many times as needed, just remember to contact us if you run into any issues!

Pro Tip: 

We recommend opening one browser tab with the questionnaire/template being edited and another tab open with the Test Matter so you can quickly flip between them.